
Brad Tandy - Endless Pool Balance Freestyle

Important Note to the Viewer


Stationary Front Float - Brad

Stationary Front Float - Brad

Right. So the first exercise that we're gonna get started with, with Brad is just basic balance. So from fingertips to toes, you see how his core is nice and stable. His hips are right at the surface. His feet are pointed. So really, really good line. And you notice that even in this position, he's gonna be floating, moving around the pools. The way the wind's blowing, the way the current is in the pool. That's what true balance is so that any movement that he makes on that line is going to be very, very productive. Brad, what's your take on this? Nothing wrong with the good line. Kind of sets up the foundation for the rest of the strokes. Hold tight. You can hold that line, throw strikes. This is going to reduce resistance.