
Welcome to the GoSwim Premium Group Invitations Guide. Here, you'll find two straightforward methods to invite athletes to join your group, ensuring a seamless onboarding process. Choose the method that best suits your needs.

Invite with a Direct Link


Copy the Link

Visit the premium group's page on the GoSwim website. Copy the invite link provided.
Copy the Link

Share the Link

Distribute the link directly to your athletes via your preferred communication platform—SMS, Email, or Newsletter.
Share the Link

Athlete Joins

Athletes simply click on the link to sign up and join the group immediately.
Athlete Joins

Invite via Email


Add Email Addresses

Enter your athlete's email addresses into the group invite system, accessible both on the website and through the mobile app.
Add Email Addresses

Send the Invitation

An email with the invite link is automatically sent to each athlete.
Send the Invitation

Athlete Accepts

Athletes click the link within the email to register and join the group.
Athlete Accepts

Track Invitations

Monitor which athletes have accepted the invitations right from your dashboard.
Track Invitations

Need more help? Contact our support team for assistance with setting up your GoSwim Premium Group invitations.