Sync Kick Conclusion and Play
So the idea behind this, and this is something I try to teach, many of my students that come here is that I want you to have a purpose with your kick. If you've been told kick more, but haven't been told How, then, you know, it's hard to figure this stuff out, if you've been told to relax your kicks, but you don't know why, or how that's going to be balanced rotation, but it's going to make sure that, you know, it's, it's still gonna take it, you have to have a purpose for the kick, to not just drag it there. So you want to have a purpose for what you're doing. And I want you to have my goal for my students here is for them to have choices, and to be able to make a decision on what kick they're going to use and when they're going to use it. So real quickly, the final thing I'll do here is I'm going to swim for a little bit, and I'm going to alternate my kicks. So I'll do maybe six 810 strokes with to beat. And then I'll go to four-beat, and I'll go to six feet. And the idea is that you can choose to use the kick whenever you want. And you can choose the effort level that you put it now in here, I'm going to go the same speed the whole time. So actually, when I go to a six-beat kick, I have to lighten up my strokes, but I'm going to try to keep the same rhythm now I'm not gonna use a Tempo Trainer. So I'm just going to try to go from my head. So the same speed the whole time to four and six-beat kick, just changing whenever I want. And this is what I want for all my students. And I'd love for all of you to have this kind of control as well. took me almost 60 years to get it. So be patient.
So this is all about keeping control over your kick. Developing a purpose for your kick. And being able to make choices on what kick you use and when. So it's just empowering yourself to have more tools for when you swim. So I hope you enjoyed it. And yes, it will be absolutely frustrating. If you don't kick like this, or if you don't know why you kick. So be patient with it. Start at the very beginning with auger drill, which is really kind of funky. But eventually, you can get it I've seen it happen. So Best wishes on your journey.