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Feb. 18, 2025 - The Four Pillars of Teaching Better Swimming

Feb. 18, 2025 - The Four Pillars of Teaching Better Swimming

Teaching swimmers how to increase their skill is a complex challenge, requiring an individualized approach for every athlete.  In this week’s Zoom, we share our thoughts on how you can simplify this process.  We’ll talk about four key concepts (pillars) that provide a framework to guide your coaching and set design.  These four concepts are: 1) Tempo, 2) Distance Per Cycle, 3) Breakout Distance, and 4) Underwater Velocity.   Join us this week as we give an overview of the concepts, then join us over the next four weeks as we take a deep dive into each of the individual concepts. TEMPO DISTANCE PER CYCLE BREAKOUT DISTANCE UNDERWATER VELOCITY Monday - TEMPO - DISTANCE PER CYCLE Masters Tempo Trainer Workout Here’s a simple set that introduces swimmers to Pillar 1:  Tempo. https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/1694-masters-tempo-trainer-workout Tuesday - TEMPO - DISTANCE PER CYCLE Increase Freestyle Stroke Rate While we typically try to challenge swimmers to slow down their stroke rate to learn efficiency, we also need to teach them how to increase their stroke rate while using less force in each stroke. https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/3012-increase-freestyle-stroke-rate Wednesday - DISTANCE PER CYCLE - BREAKOUT DISTANCE Freestyle: Reduced Stroke 100s This set will introduce swimmers to Pillar 2:  Distance Per Cycle https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/1881-freestyle-reduced-stroke-100s Thursday - TEMPO - UNDERWATER VELOCITY All Strokes: Tempo Trainer Underwater Dolphins Pillar 3 is Breakout Distance – how far from the wall a swimmer starts swimming after a turn or start.  A Tempo Trainer can help each swimmer find the optimal distance they should travel before taking their first stroke.  Here’s a plan for how to experiment. https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/2185-all-strokes-tempo-trainer-underwater-dolphins Friday - BREAKOUT DISTANCE Pushoff Target When teaching any of the Four Pillars, it’s important to create measurable targets for the swimmer.  One example of a VERY measurable target is the swimmer’s breakout point.  Here’s how to give them a target. https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/1448-pushoff-target Saturday BREAKOUT DISTANCE - UNDERWATER VELOCITY Turns:  PASA Pushoffs Pillar 4 is Underwater Velocity, the speed at which a swimmer moves under water.  First step in teaching this skill is to make swimmers aware of the things that affect velocity.  Letting them feel the effects of a BAD streamline can make an impression! https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/2081-turns-push-off-awareness Sunday - TEMPO - DISTANCE PER CYCLE - BREAKOUT DISTANCE - UNDERWATER VELOCITY All Strokes: Stroke Count Counting strokes – and then trying to maintain stroke count or manipulate stroke count – during any swim set is one of the best ways to teach Pillars 1, 2, and 3.  Everything the swimmer does, from push off, to streamline, to stroke rate, has an impact on stroke count. https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/2321-all-strokes-stroke-count BONUS - all comes back to balance Core Control Core control and excellent streamline technique are factors in each of the four pillars.  Here’s our favorite way to teach these skills. https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/2982-core-control

Jan. 21, 2025 - Resilience with Kim Vandenberg

Jan. 21, 2025 - Resilience with Kim Vandenberg

Join us for a special Zoom this week featuring Kim Vandenberg, USA Bronze medalist in Beijing (4 X 200 free relay).  We’ll take a close look at Kim’s butterfly and freestyle technique and how it kept her injury-free throughout her career.  But mostly, we’ll talk about resilience and the personal growth that can follow after every storm. You can reach Kim at her website and on her social media?  https://www.kimswimstudios.com https://www.instagram.com/kimswim https://www.instagram.com/kimswimstudios Please Donate Fire Fund | Friends of Marquez | Pali Fire Relief https://gosw.im/4hkO3jz Monday Kim Vandenberg:  Freestyle – Above Side Slow Motion Kim’s freestyle seems effortless and displays excellent technique:  stable rotation, core control, low breath and balanced breathing to both sides, steady six-beat kick, and high-elbow catch. https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/1684-freestyle-above-side-slow-motion Tuesday Kim Vandenberg: Freestyle – Head On Under Water Effortless technique here, including steady and stable head position, high-elbow catch and direct pull pattern. https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/1642-freestyle-head-on-underwater Wednesday Kim Vandenberg:  Butterfly – Hips – Under Water Kim’s butterfly also seems effortless, due in large part to her excellent technique.  Watch for high hands and deep chest at the catch, two kicks per stroke, and constant undulation through the hips. https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/1592-butterfly-hips-underwater Thursday Kim Vandenberg:  Head On – Under Water – Slow Motion Clear, underwater footage of Kim’s butterfly pull.  Note the width of the hand entry and catch, the “diamond” shape described by her arms during the pull, and the continuous action of the arms. https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/1589-butterfly-head-on-underwater-slow-motion Friday Kim Vandenberg:  Butterfly Head and Recovery Kim seems to flow effortless through the water.  Watch for the continuous arm action, the shoulder-width hand entry, and the lack of up-and-down motion with the head and neck.  All aspects of her technique work to sending her body forward through the water. https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/1575-butterfly-head-and-recovery Saturday Kim Vandenberg:  Breakouts – Below Water Kim’s butterfly and freestyle breakouts are picture perfect. https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/1515-breakouts-below-water Sunday Kim Vandenberg:  Starts – Above Water Kim has some of the most splash-free entries we’ve seen.  Watch ‘em in slow motion to see her technique. https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/1514-starts-above-water

Jan. 28, 2025 - Teaching the Forward Start

Jan. 28, 2025 - Teaching the Forward Start

Teaching the Forward Start This week we continue our series on how to teach the things that are the most difficult to teach – yet are the most basic skills a swimmer needs.  As every age-group (and masters) coach knows, one of the biggest challenges is teaching kids how to start from the blocks and to do relay starts without getting DQ’d.  This week we tackle the basics of learning to dive. Monday Drill – Deep Pool Vertical Entry If you've got a big group of kids who need to learn forward-start basics, start 'em here. Fun, safe drill teaches how to have a rigid bodyline and a clean entry. https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/1609-starts-deep-pool-vertical-entry 0479 jump in the pool 1549 no instructions except keep the hands by the side 2695 start to focus on straight body line no bend 3315 start to focus on pointed toes 3579 pointed toes with a straight body line 4937 Watch for the forward splash 5810 pointed toes straight body line 10588 move to streamline position 11867 straight body pointed toes streamline 12440 flat feet versus pointed feet 15161 smallest splash possible Tuesday Steve Haufler – Streamline Jumps Steve Haufler starts teaching the forward start on land, with streamline jumps. https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/2109-streamline-jumps 0533 just jump 1552 the natural connection of swinging arms and shifting momentum 1582 connecting the pieces together 1926 into a streamline position with pointed toes 2322 do the best possible for the athlete 2537 slight head tuck to make sure the streamline is together 2733 the trophy start Wednesday Cullen Jones (4-Step Dive Progression) When Olympic gold medallist Cullen Jones teaches kids how to dive, he uses this four-step process. https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/929-forward-start-4-step-learning-progression 1278 seated fall 3231 kneeling 4256 hands in the water prior to leaving the dec 11438 a little bit of push 12135 a little more push 13061 crouching 13529 hands in the water before the feet leave the deck 15744 a little bit of push 20415 a little more push 21045 a little more push 23213 foot placement 24585 crouching 24848 hands nearly in the water feet still on the block 25955 slight push 30808 slight jump 32013 a bit more jump Thursday Drill – St. Andrews Starts We love this progression for teaching the forward start and for teaching kids how to pierce the water on their entry. The flat-back dive really works! https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/2050-starts-st-andrews-starts 0667 connecting Steve with Cullen 1933 jump 2775 posture 3370 toes 4001 momentum from the arms 4954 take it to the blocks Friday Steve Haufler – Side Fall Over Noodle When teaching young swimmers to dive, you need a huge tool kit. Here's one trick from teaching guru Steve Haufler. https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/2121-side-fall-over-noodle-streamline-dive 0451 Crouch on deck 0548 with a noodle target 0613 make it over the noodle 0876 Crouch on deck 1726 pointed toes Saturday Drill – Dive and Glide What kind of line do you carry into the water from your start? Here's how to improve. https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/1907-all-strokes-dive-and-glide 1225 start to glide 1555 patience 2095 bodyline control 4639 bodyline control 10245 patience 11279 keep the toes pointed and body dynamics 13157 continue to play Sunday Drill – Relay Starts – Teamwork One of the best ways to add FUN to your program is RELAYS! Relays also provide incentive for swimmers to learn how to dive, and how to dive well. https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/1982-relay-starts-team-work-with-york-ymca 0703 timing the swing 1001 hand touch then foot leave 1393 vary the athletes to build more awareness 1633 Male swimmer female starter 1894 Target the head not the arms 2932 where is the head in relation to the wall when the swing starts 3652 the importance of practicing the finish 4560 understand the perspective of the athlete 5460 the stroke will help determine how close the swimmer is when the swing starts 01274 red suit on backstroke finish