Kick on your back

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Kick on your back

If you look at the previous drill, you'll see that this is pretty much the exact same action. Instead of having your body flat against the wall from your torso down to your knees, your body will be flat on the surface of the water.

With your hands held down by your side and floating on your back, start in the toes pointed position. Now, without allowing your knees to break the surface of the water, dry your heels up behind you. When the legs reach approximately 90°, pointed toes out to the side and push the water back with the insides of your feet. Finish the kick in a toe pointed position.

To feel a little more propulsion, you can use a little skull with your hands to help you move forward. Keep the push of the hands subtle but end with the toes pointed and the hands-down by your side.

Remember that the knees don't pop out of the water, and the recovery of the kick is done with the heels. The push of the kit comes from the inside of the foot, and the kick always ends in the toes pointed position.