Kick on stomach
We're going to try to do the exact same kick that we've done before, only now it's face down. You'll notice a few variations here. Merle starts with face down in the head lead position, so she'll have to breathe. By lifting her head.
Pat does face down in the hand lead position, where he has his hands in position eleven. He gives a slight skull as it's time to breathe.
Sometimes we feel the best way to learn this is to spend time using the snorkel. You can focus on the body line, how the feet connect to the water, and especially the recovery of the kick. We spent so much time in the last few drills trying to make sure that that line, from the shoulders to the hips to the knees, is straight in this position because the front of the body does not lift for breath, especially with the snorkel. There will be some bend from the thigh to the knee.
Your goal is to minimize this and to make sure that the kick is small. So the heels are recovered up behind the thighs, and we don't have too much resistance that is created by the front of the thighs as we get into more breathing or more natural breaststroke. The front of the body will lift up, and the line will be straighter from the shoulder to the hips to the knees.
But right now, in the flatten position, we're trying to isolate the feeling of the kick and the propulsion of the feet. So the body position may not be perfect, but that's okay.